Metering and Data Services
PLUS ES is dedicated to helping Australian business optimise energy consumption through the latest in metering and data delivery, plus tailored Embedded Network solutions.
Metering and Data
PLUS ES is dedicated to helping Australian business optimise energy consumption through the latest in metering and data delivery, plus tailored Embedded Network solutions.

Metering Services
PLUS ES is a dedicated provider of metering services for both large and small markets and is registered as a Metering Coordinator and Embedded Network Manager under the Australian Energy Market Operator’s ‘Power of Choice’ regulation.

Data Management
PLUS ES has a suite of online interfaces for customers to better measure, monitor and manage their energy consumption.

Embedded Networks
PLUS ES is proud to be a leading service provider to Embedded Network operators and registered as an Embedded Network Manager. Learn how PLUS ES can assist to develop a solution.

Utility Services
PLUS ES provides various services to a number of Utilities in Australia. We pride ourselves on our comprehensive Utility services offering.
Our ShopFronts
PLUS ES is proud to provide a range of high quality Current Transformers, Water & Electricity Meters, and associated accessories.
Our secure online shopfronts provide you with the ability to order products, on account, for delivery to multiple locations, all in five minutes or so.
Review our range and place your order today!
SA Smarter Homes: Appointment of Relevant Agent
As part of SA Smarter Homes, the South Australian Government has announced a series of new regulations that apply to solar installations from September 28th 2020. The regulations require a customer to appoint an approved Relevant Agent when installing a Solar system. The Relevant Agent’s role is to manage requests from Authorised Parties in South Australia.
PLUS ES is registered as a Relevant Agent that can be nominated and appointed by an owner or operator of an electricity generating plant. The technology provided by PLUS ES as a Relevant Agent will support the capability of being remotely disconnected from and reconnected to a distribution network.
From 01 July 2023, PLUS ES as a Relevant Agent will not be able to support the capability of being export limited as per Dynamic Export Requirements introduced by the South Australian Government.
Customers electing PLUS ES as Relevant Agent must download the form below and return the form to to initiate the agreement directly with PLUS ES.
Do you have more questions?
Firstly, please review our Frequently Asked Questions.
Should you have any further questions regarding the role of Relevant Agent, please submit an enquiry to

Have you already nominated SA Power Networks (SAPN)?
You may have elected to nominate SA Power Networks (SAPN) as the Relevant Agent, with PLUS ES as a Technology Partner for your site. In this case, contact SAPN regarding the Relevant Agent role in the first instance. Contact PLUS ES with any queries about the technology solution via your electricity meter. The following link will allow you to nominate SAPN as the Relevant Agent – SAPN Relevant Agent Form..
PLUS ES is supporting the SA regulations with regard to new and upgraded solar installations. PLUS ES use the technology of the installed advanced meter to meet the obligations of a Relevant Agent (RA) to remotely disconnect (and later reconnect) rooftop solar output in a power system emergency and as a Technology Partner to an RA where the RA is SA Power Networks. Please note that PLUS ES will be unable to become an RA where the customer has chosen Flexible export control through an inverter.
PLUS ES can continue to be the metering provider. There is not an obligation on the Metering Provider to switch a 3 Phase site. The customer will need to nominate the Solar Manufacturer as the Relevant Agent or as the Technology Partner to SAPN.
Yes. Where the customer has access to an internet service and is willing to share that access to their inverters that have the ability to share data via the internet, the customer should nominate an RA who’s technology can support the capability of being export limited as per Dynamic Export Requirements introduced by South Australian Government from July 1st 2023.
Where the customer doesn’t have access to an internet service or not willing to share that access, the customer can nominate PLUS ES as the RA, as our metering technology enables us to remotely disconnect/reconnect the Solar Unit without the reliance on the customers internet connection. Thereby, PLUS ES are able to meet the requirements of disconnection (later reconnect), the SA regulation on your behalf.
No, only if you have a solar system installed after 28th September 2020.
Only if you choose to upgrade your solar installation to support flexible export control through an inverter or if you want your solar unit to be capable of being export limited. If you only want your solar unit to be capable of being remotely disconnected from and reconnected to a distribution network, you can still choose PLUS ES as your RA.
AEMO (Australian Electricity Market Operator) or the Government notifies PLUS ES to disconnect generation from the network, as the agent, we will complete the disconnect. In turn, once we are notified to reconnect generation, we will do so.
The solar installer is responsible for making sure the system is installed and commissioned correctly in order to comply with the new regulation.
No, you will not need to exchange your meter if it’s already connected to your solar system. PLUE ES meter can continue to support to provide data on your electricity generation and consumption. Your Relevant Agent could support flexible export control through your inverter or other technologies which will not require a meter exchange.