High Voltage Metering
“Right First Time.”
It is critical that your metering data is accurate, our team of highly skilled experts pride themselves with a right-first-time approach to all work we perform. This philosophy is critical for high voltage metering installations and is made possible through the team’s extensive experience, refined work procedures, and importantly a retention of skills achieved through structured training and development, mentoring and daily application. Reach out today, we are ready to support your high voltage metering needs.
High voltage metering design and compliance review
If you’re planning to use PLUS ES as your Category B Metering Provider for your next high voltage project, the PLUS ES High Voltage Metering team has dedicated Engineering Officers that will provide a comprehensive design and compliance review of your high voltage metering installation to ensure it complies with Chapter 7 of the National Electricity Rules, The National Electricity Market Metrology Procedure, Australian Standards, applicable state Service and Installation rules and Local Network Distributor standards. The review will cover all the metering installation documentation, including designs, drawings, instrument transformer ratings, type test and routine accuracy test reports. Reach out to the team if you would like to discuss your project details. Fill in your details below to request a copy of the PLUS ES high voltage metering requirements document.
Onsite installation, pre and post commissioning checks
As the industry leaders in National Electricity Rules compliant high voltage metering, and backed by the team’s right first-time philosophy, our team will methodically perform all the required on-site checks against our established procedures to ensure your high voltage metering installation has been correctly installed to ensure the data recorded is accurate and complies with all applicable rules and standards.

High Voltage Transmission Metering Portfolio Management
The PLUS ES High Voltage Metering team specialise in the management of National Electricity Rules compliant wholesale and generator metering point portfolios. From new installation design and installation to ongoing routine maintenance activities including current and voltage transformer accuracy testing. Backed by our team’s extensive experience managing transmission metering portfolios, trust the PLUS ES High Voltage Metering team to support your portfolio to the highest level.